Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
The University Services Department oversees and supports the operations of several Univerity of New Mexico service functions. The Business Operations Department provides back-office support including budget oversight and accounting for all University Services Departments.
Each addititional University Services branch departments provide vital, internal services across the UNM campus. Their functionalities are listed below.
For assistance with University Services, email usbusinessoperations@unm.edu.
Copy Center
Phone: 505-277-8267
Email: unmcopycenter@unm.edu
Website: https://copycenter.unm.edu
The Copy Center provides printing services to both Main and North Campus including the University Hospital. Pickup and delivery is free with any order. Some of the products we print are brochures, business cards, calendars, flyers, postcards, handbills, posters, professor course materials, and general orders. more...
Mailing, Shipping and Receiving
Main Campus: 505-277-4124
HSC: 505-272-6302
Email: MailShipReceive@unm.edu
Website: https://MailShipReceive.unm.edu
The Mailing, Shipping & Receiving department is the mail and package processing facility servicing the University of New Mexico including the Health Sciences Center (HSC), School of Medicine, and Clinical Translational Science Center (excluding University Hospital). more...
Print Management
Phone: 505-277-0294
Email: printmgt@unm.edu
Website: https://printmgmt.unm.edu
The Print Management program supports the University of New Mexico by offering a continuously competitive program for leasing or purchasing copiers, printers, MFDs (multi- functional devices), scanners and fax machines. more...
Surplus Property
Phone: 505-277-2923
Email: unmsurplus@unm.edu
Website: http://surplus.unm.edu
The Surplus Property Department is responsible for managing the disposition of surplus property and assets for the University of New Mexico (excluding University Hospital). The Surplus Property Department focuses on sustainability by repurposing, reusing and recycling items that are no longer in active use to reduce our campus footprint. more...
Records Management
Email: unmrecordsmgt@unm.edu
The Records Management Department manages the University of New Mexico's vital records and files such as invoices, memos, contracts and personnel records in accordance with the State of New Mexico Retention Schedule. Records Management ensures the proper disposition of all UNM records and coordinates destruction through the State of New Mexico. more...
Chemical & Research Laboratory Supplier
Phone: 505-277-5109
Email: crls@unm.edu
Website: http://crls.unm.edu
The Chemical and Research Laboratory Supplier (CRLS) is a stockroom providing chemicals, gasses, and lab supplies to the distinguished research community at The University of New Mexico. CRLS proudly supports your research missions and is located in Clark Hall Building 22 on UNM’s Main Campus, more...